Software as Commodity

Software as Commodity

Imagine a world where software is no longer something you need to download from an app store, wait for updates, or rely on specialized developers. With the rapid advancement of AI tools like Copilot, Cursor, v0, and GPT Engineer, this future is already becoming a reality. We are approaching a time where anyone can create apps in seconds, customized for a specific task or even for single-use purposes.

“Siri, make me an app that does X.”

Want an app for a specific task? Just ask for it. “Siri, make me an app that does X.” Done. No need to hire a team, no codebases, no bug fixes. Apps become disposable—created when needed and discarded afterward.

This changes the landscape of software development. The barrier to entry shatters. Anyone with a device can become a creator. It democratizes the process, removing the dependency on skilled developers. This doesn’t just speed up production; it fundamentally shifts the economy of software.

Single-Serve Software

Why should an app live forever when its use case is temporary? We’re shifting from the traditional model of app ownership to one of utility. Need a one-off tool to visualize your weekend data? It can be generated instantly. The demand for “heavyweight” apps could shrink as we enter a world of single-serve software solutions.

The need for app stores may fade as well. If you can generate applications on the fly, there’s no need for central marketplaces to distribute them. Instead, the focus shifts to platforms and devices providing the AI infrastructure to generate, manage, and optimize these ad-hoc apps.

Unbundling the App

Traditionally, software has been about bundling multiple features into a single, heavyweight tool. Think of Excel with its sprawling functionality or Adobe Photoshop with countless options, each built to cater to varied user needs. These were monolithic, one-size-fits-all solutions.

But with temporary, single-serve software, the entire paradigm flips. Why open a massive program when you just need one function? AI will unbundle these features, delivering precisely what you need, when you need it—no extra bloat. Want just a 3D model preview, but not all of Blender’s complexity? No problem. We’re moving from all-in-one applications to precision tools, purpose-built on demand.

Apps on Tap

This evolution won’t happen overnight, but the trajectory is clear. Today’s specialized app developer could become tomorrow’s AI model trainer or prompt engineer, guiding AI tools to create more precise and effective software.

The future is app creation without friction, where software serves us in the moment and then disappears, allowing us to move on with our tasks.

Welcome to the era of apps on tap, the era of software as commodity.