Using as a recruitment tool


Here’s my hack for using to recruit developers and designers.

  1. Join a local group with a matching skill profile, e.g. JavaScript developers if that’s what you’re looking for.
  2. Go through the member list and try to write down the names in a spreadsheet to as many as you can muster. I haven’t found a smart way of qualifying the candidates on so that’s a separate step (see #3).
  3. Go through the spreadsheet and do a Google search on “Firstname Lastname” for each person. For designers, replace with
  4. A similar search but with can give additional contact information, or at least a link to a personal website.

I consider contributions (can if needed be quantified with “Total Contributions number” on the user profile) on GitHub to be a great way of vetting developers. A strong Dribbble profile is a similar measurement for designers. I don’t care about LinkedIn.

Yes, the above process can take a bit of time. When I feel lazy I get help from my virtual assistant from GetFriday to collect the data.